Infrared Images and Video in conjunction with Visual Images & Video are a tremendous asset to companies.  Whether it is a new line start-up
or conversion or post-PM review, the information readily available to maintenance technicians, engineers, operators, OEM reps and others is readily shareable and easy to compare whether you utilize a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) or not.

Heat signatures for new motors, couplings, controls, steam traps, chillers, and hundreds of other systems can be easily captured, downloaded and stored for regular evaluation of degradation, wear and proactive planning for repair, overhaul or replacement.
Does your operation utilize Thermal Imaging today?  We believe every manufacturing and processing operation should seriously consider this affordable addition to their maintenance program.  Give us a call and we’ll help you make the best selection of thermal imaging cameras for your operation.

Contact information:
Call us toll free: (800) 221-0163