Safety on or near the water is everyone’s primary responsibility and concern.
Infrared Imagers allow you to see in complete darkness. Whether maneuvering to a mooring anchor after dark, heading out to your boat after dinner for a cruise, getting out of the harbor in the morning hours going to work or immediately identifying people or debris in the water, use of an Infrared Thermal Imager is an efficient and cost-effective tool no mariner should go without.
Safety on the Water
Safety is always top priority when on the water. Limited visibility and darkness are more easily dealt with through the use of an Infrared Imager which senses heat and not light. “See” what your eyes cannot to increase the safety for your crew, your boat and yourself. Channel markers, floating debris and other non-illuminated vessels are all clearly visible with a thermal camera. Thermal cameras keep commercial fishermen working at night while keeping the vessel and her crew safe. Thermal imagers such as FLIR’s First Mate allow you to see in complete darkness. Whether maneuvering to a mooring anchor after dark, heading out to your boat after dinner for a cruise, getting out of the harbor in the morning hours going to work or immediately identifying people or debris in the water, use of an Infrared Thermal Imager is an efficient and cost-effective tool no mariner should go without.