800-221-0163 – Ask for Tory

ADEPT Maintenance & Budgetary Advantages
- ADEPT provides efficient and actionable professional lineman insights on the utility infrastructure
- Easy-to-use customer software platform allows quick access to inspection data with download capabilities permtting customers to choose how they want to accept the deliverables
- ADEPT’s Comprehensive Reports allow clients to manage budgets more tightly. With ADEPT’s provided bill of materials, procure the components needed, add expected labor time and rate to correct identified issues, and generate a preventative maintenance cost estimate to quickly distribute for budgetary approval.
Advantages Afforded by UAS Data Capture & Analysis
UAS (drone) Aerial inspections minimize personnel risks by visually accessing elevated equipment, hard-to-access areas and dangerous apparatus & electrical connections without requiring a lineman to climb a structure or jockey a bucket truck into a safe position
Aerial Inspections are safer and more time efficient to inspect distribution and transmission lines in order to both maintain and improve system reliability, reduce outages, prevent unscheduled downtime, and reinforce customer goodwill
- Faster inspections identifying and exactly pinpointing issues help reduce or eliminate unscheduled outages through proactive versus reactive maintenance
- Maximize the application of professional lineman competency to focus on and correct identified issues and problems
- Utilizing ADEPT’s Inspection Deliverable and the Bill of Material provided, you can cut down on time spent procuring components and know exactly how many are needed to fix identified problems